Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Social Media Masturbation

Aside from a few luminaries like Stephen Fry or Michael Buckley, most people on Twitter who have large followings seem to be tweeting about social networking, specifically about Twitter itself. I am curious: What percentage of tweets are actually about Twitter?

In noticing this, I thought I would post a satirical tweet to an imaginary Twitterer, @selfreferential. Until I checked and there actually is a user called @selfreferential. And what does he/she post about? Twitter, of course. Exclusively.

It makes me wonder, does social networking create much real social value? Or is it just meta-social. Among users with small followings (like me) it seems to be mostly about trading quips with friends, or linking to some article or video of mutual interest. But the big mucky-mucks (twicky-twits) - what social value are they creating?

How boring would it be to have a meeting to talk about having meetings? Or meet for lunch to talk about lunch? It's sort of like watching the cable channel that explains how to use your cable box. That's entertainment!

So here I am, gibbering about Twitter. Je suis hypocrite!

Oh, and @buckhollywood just tweeted that he is having diet pepsi for lunch. I wonder if they are paying him? At least it wasn't about twitter.